New café launches to boost wellbeing among local community

published on 24 Jun 2024

Salvation Army launches new café in Bury to boost wellbeing among local community

The Salvation Army is launching a new café for the Bury community in a bid to end loneliness and isolation in the area as well as improve people’s wellbeing. 

A new community cafe launches in Bury
We wanted to create a safe and friendly place for people to meet, build friendships, find new opportunities and above all feel relaxed and welcome. We know that following the pandemic and with the pressures of the cost-of-living still raging on people are continuing to live in challenging times and that can make people feel lonely and isolated."
Captain Cor van der Woude, church leader of The Salvation Army in Bury

The café will launch on Tuesday, June 25, at The Salvation Army’s church and community centre in Bury, located on Brookshaw Street, at 11:00 am and will run until 2:00 pm. The café will serve hot and cold refreshments for just fifty pence, combatting the cost-of-living crisis that people within the Bury community are still facing with many struggling daily to make ends meet as more people find themselves pushed into poverty. 

Captain Cor van der Woude, church leader of The Salvation Army in Bury said: “We wanted to create a safe and friendly place for people to meet, build friendships, find new opportunities and above all feel relaxed and welcome. We know that following the pandemic and with the pressures of the cost-of-living still raging on people are continuing to live in challenging times and that can make people feel lonely and isolated. With prices set at just fifty pence, the café is an affordable option for all.

“Our doors will be open every week for everyone in the community to enjoy a relaxing refreshment, a chit chat among new and existing friends, or just a sit down and a read of a good book or to do a puzzle. It really is a café for the whole community.”

The café will be facilitated by The Salvation Army and run by a team of volunteers with the church leaders available for practical support and signposting for people that are struggling. 

Salvation Army Officer Cadet comforts woman

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