Peterborough Salvation Army thanks volunteers with summer party

published on 2 Aug 2024

The Salvation Army in Peterborough hosted a summer party last week to thank 60 volunteers who help at the church and community centre in the city.

Rachel Dockerill is community centre manager at The Salvation Army’s Peterborough Citadel on Bourges Boulevard and said volunteers get involved in every aspect of life at The Salvation Army from working on the community centre reception desk to helping in the day centre.

Thirty of the volunteers are now on board with a new project to help people who are homeless – looking after three pods which give shelter to people who are forced to sleep on the street. The volunteers also help make evening meals seven days a week for the people who use the pods.

Volunteers enjoyed a barbecue and an afternoon of games at the church and Rachel said she was delighted that the community centre staff were able to show their appreciation and to give something back.

She said: “We wouldn’t be able to run our activities without our volunteers. They are absolutely amazing people. Volunteers help by chatting to people and we look for qualities such as being friendly and committed. 

“Our volunteers find what they do rewarding and keep coming back. They say that it is like a family here. They are able to get to know people over time and make a difference.”

PR Comms Peterborough Volunteer Party
Around 60 volunteers enjoyed a summer party at The Salvation Army's Peterborough Citadel
(Photo by Mike Gibbs)

Rachel said volunteers are vital to The Salvation Army’s work in Peterborough and beyond.

She explained: “We are situated in the top ten percent of the UK’s most deprived areas so we do everything we can to invite people in. People come to us for food and emotional support. Volunteers love to offer support in these situations and through helping others they receive a sense of fulfilment in return.”

Some volunteers came to The Salvation Army as service users seeking support and have now stayed to help others.

Rachel said: “As volunteers, their dedication is amazing, and we thank them for everything they do for the people in need in our community.”

The Salvation Army’s Peterborough Citadel offers a number of activities through the week including Craft for Wellbeing on Mondays, Gardening for Wellbeing on Tuesdays and a coffee morning on Wednesdays.

For more information, go to

PR Comms Peterborough Volunteer Party 2
Partygoers enjoyed a barbecue and an afternoon of games (Photo by Mike Gibbs)
A young girl with a colourful hoodie and a headband, standing on artificial grass with people playing football in the background.

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