Vaughan Gething AM enjoys a meal at Penarth Salvation Army

published on 5 Sep 2019


A PENARTH lunch club hosted a visit by Cardiff South and Penarth AM Vaughan Gething on Wednesday 4 September.

Mr Gething, who is also the Welsh Government’s Minister for Health and Social Services, enjoyed a meal at the club in The Salvation Army’s hall on Plassey Street.

Over dinner, he met and spoke to people who come to the weekly lunch club every Wednesday, including 86-year-old Faith Perry from Cogan.

Faith and her husband Leonard began coming to the lunch club when he was living with dementia.

“I looked after Leonard when he was ill and it was very hard work, but I looked after him because I loved him”, explained Faith, “But when we came to the lunch club at Penarth Salvation Army we both got company, love, companionship and warmth."

Leonard passed away a year ago but Faith still goes to the lunch club.

“I come here to have a normal life, which is important after bereavement” said Faith, before adding “Coming here gives me comfort, support and friendship and I get blessed every Sunday”

After tucking into shepherd’s pie and apple crumble and custard, Vaughan Gething AM heard about the range of services provided for the local community by The Salvation Army in Penarth over a cup of coffee.

“It was a pleasure to meet local people enjoying lunch, friendship and support. The volunteers are committed to making a difference and people attending clearly took great comfort and enjoyment at the lunch club”, said Vaughan Gething AM.

As well as the lunch club, The Salvation Army in Penarth runs a coffee and chat session every Wednesday morning, a parent and toddler group on Thursday mornings as well as social events and worship.

Commenting on Vaughan Gething AM’s visit, Captain Mark Kent of The Salvation Army in Penarth said:

“It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Gething to the lunch club today and we are very grateful to him for taking the time and interest to come along and learn about the work we do to support our community in Penarth.

“The Salvation Army is an international Christian Church and charity which is dedicated to caring for people and everybody is welcome at The Salvation Army in Penarth” added Captain Kent.

Find out more about The Salvation Army in Penarth.