a journey to sustained employment
The Torquay Community Larder is a joint venture run by approximately 55 volunteers from eight churches and will operate under the umbrella of Christians Together in Torquay.
Coventry Building Society scheme brings city's game to the Youell Court living room
Ferda worked in factories 12 hours a day, six days a week, for very little pay
As cost of living continues to rise our Blackpool corps launches free group to ease pressures.
Inflation has pushed up the cost of housing and services for those who become homeless.
Find befriender, café, lunch club, foodbank and other roles serving at the heart of the community.
Do good on your wedding day by asking friends and family to donate instead of giving you a gift.
A blind woman from Merseyside be running this year’s London Marathon to raise vital funds.
Supporting families, young people & children