Spot the signs of modern slavery

Modern slavery can be hard to spot.

It is estimated that across the UK, 122,000 people are victims of modern slavery, thousands of whom are children. These men, women and children are being forced into a life they did not ask for with new victims discovered every day.

Secrecy supports the inhuman trade in modern slavery. Thousands of modern slavery victims are hidden in plain sight in towns and cities across the UK.  It’s hard to detect because it’s mostly hidden away and involves vulnerable people. The combination of cheap goods, cheap labour and cheap sex has created the perfect storm for human trafficking. 

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Until very recently people feared there were 13,000 people living in slave-like conditions in the UK but experts now estimate it is 122,000.

We are calling on the public to spot and report the signs of modern slavery to help. You could come into contact with a victim of modern slavery without even realising; however there can be some tell-tale signs.

Some signs are physical:

  • They may look anxious, dishevelled, or malnourished. 
  • They may have untreated injuries.

Some signs are less obvious:

  • Someone paying for their travel
  • Someone speaking for them
  • Perhaps they are picked up and dropped off from work at unusual times 
  • They may not be sure of their own address

If you have come into contact with someone who you suspect may be a victim of modern slavery and in need of help, phone our free 24/7 confidential referral helpline: 0800 808 3733 

Anti Slavery Day

Stand in solidarity with victims of modern slavery on 18 October by taking part in our Anti-Slavery day campaign.

Survivors Support Fund

Providing additional support to survivors and help for an independent life

First Responders

Learn more about how victims of modern slavery are identified and referred to get support.

Protect survivors rights

As the Illegal Migration Bill becomes law without any protections put in place for victims of modern slavery, we promise to keep fighting to make their voices heard.